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The children have access to:
- Creative Area: drawing, cutting, gluing, play dough, clay, painting, collage, etc
- Writing Desk: writing paper, pens, pencils, envelopes, hole punch, stapler, etc
- Small World: cars, aeroplanes, trains, police, fire station, ambulance, etc
- Computer with a range of educational games.
- Story Corner: fiction and non-fiction books and PLJ’s.
- Role Play: puppet theatre, puppets, house corner, dressing up, etc.
- Snack: table, chairs, healthy snacks and tooth brushing.
- Technology Area: remote control cars, walkie talkies, metal detectors, etc.
- Scientific Exploration: sand, water, feely bags, magnet’s, etc.
- Mathematics area: colours, shapes, scales, tape measurers, etc.
- A range of real world topic materials.
- Card games, board games, listening games, jigsaws etc.
- Climbing wall and climbing frame.
- Letter and number resources, dark den, torches, tents.
- Large wooden building blocks and small unit blocks.
- A range of musical instruments, listening station, Kodaly band and stereo.
- Beanbags, hoops, cones, bats, balls, basket ball hoop.
- Construction, lego duplo, Knex, poly-m etc.
- …and much, much more!!