
• To support the children to create an environment in which they feel happy and secure.

• To risk assess and provide an environment that is as safe as necessary, where children are encouraged to explore, experiment, try things out and to take social, emotional and physical risks that extend and build on their existing abilities.

• To create opportunities for play, where we provided for and which extends every child’s learning and to offer a balanced and relevant range of learning experiences that will support children as they grow and develop into Successful Learners, Responsible Citizens, Confident Individuals and Effective Contributors.

• To apply appropriate methods of observing, recording and assessing children’s development and learning, to ensure each child’s learning and development is individualized and developmentally appropriate.

• To recognise that children’s play should be encouraged by informed and understanding adults and not be directed or restricted unnecessarily.

• To encourage positive attitudes to self by developing confidence, resilience and self-esteem and to develop tolerance and understanding towards others.

• To encourage children to have a positive approach to living in a multi-cultural society.

• To respect parents/carers as the prime educators of their children and to encourage them to be involved in their child’s education as often as possible.

• To provide staff with the resources, training and support each person requires to meet the above Aims.

• To work within the GIRFEC and SHANNARI guidelines and all other appropriate agencies to support families to remain together, healthy and happy.